Crate ribir_algo

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  • An LRU Cache
  • An iterator that moves out of a FrameCache.
  • An iterator over the entries of a FrameCache.
  • An iterator over mutables entries of a FrameCache.
  • A single-thread smart pointer with strong reference count only. This is a simplified version of std::rc::Sc with the weak reference count. Use it when you are sure that there is no cycle in the reference graph or in a inner resource manage that will break the cycle by itself.
  • A smarter pointer help us to share resource in application, and it’ use a cheap way to compare if two resource is same one.


  • A copy on write smart pointer shared value without deep clone .
  • Enum to store both share and local resource. Share resources can have many copy, and every copy as the same one. Local resources means is individual and no other copy exist, two local resources will not as same one even its content is equal.